Category Archives: Sergei Blog

Pizza With The Pup

By | Sergei Blog | No Comments
After night tossing and turning with Oleg-induced headache I was pleased to have day in. Mister Aleksandr order pizza with extra maggot mozzarella! Oleg was so excited to try pizza for first time, he gnawed a hole in front door waiting on pizza delivery man!...
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Teething Terror

By | Sergei Blog | No Comments
This week Oleg has been teething. Teething meerpups can chew through just about anythings and, as I know from personal experience, cause permanent plumbings damage. Over past week I have learnt some invaluables lesson! Always keep teething meerpup away from electricals, stray wires are very...
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Meerpup TV

By | Sergei Blog | No Comments
I have discover the most annoying noise in the world. For long time I had think it was the sound of Mr Aleksandr sing in the shower, but that was before I hear meerpup TV shows. We recently discover Oleg can watch Meerbeebies for hours,...
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Best Dress

By | Sergei Blog | No Comments
For Tumble Pups competition we have to make fancy dress costume for Baby Oleg to wear. I say we could take Oleg as he dress in everyday life, and tell peoples he is a little monster. Baby Oleg even get involved in making of costume...
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Spring Clean

By | Sergei Blog | No Comments
Is late to be doing Spring Clean but with Baby Oleg in mansion everything is run later than usual. So this week to get back on the track we clean mansion as family and Oleg even lend helping paw… Be prepared for the unexpected with...
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Oleg meets Mr Grub

By | Sergei Blog | No Comments

Recently we take car journey to toy shop, and after some underhand tactics from storekeeper, Oleg come home with brand new best friend. Little Oleg and Mr Grub (as Mr Aleksandr have imaginatively name him) have now become firm friends and are completely inseparables. Sleep…

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Baby oleg arrives

By | Sergei Blog | No Comments
We had unexpected surprise last night. Mr. Aleksandr do not like surprises and this was biggest one ever… Mr. Aleksandr and I find baby meerpup on doorstep! His name is Oleg, and despite being screaming bundle of fur and weighing same as five jars of...
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