I panicked and dropped the ice cream all over Mr Aleksandr, I start to call Oleg’s name, but nothing. Mr Aleksandr say he will go to find lifeguard and that I should go and check by shore. I start to run looking and shouting for…
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With Mr Aleksandr and myself being so busy recently we have not been able to spend so much time with little Oleg. To make it up to him we decide to take him day of fun at the beach. It very hot day and hair…
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In last blog I talk about raising family. Now, we are talk about social life when you are live with boss. Being best friend with boss can have its perks, like living in big mansion and.. Um… I’m sure there's others! But when it come…
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Lucky me! Mr. Aleksandr has not find secret sleep spot. This week we are talk about raising a family with your boss. We have very rewarding task of take care of our beloved Oleg. He is cutest meerpup in world no? But by taking care…
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I am work at comparethemarket.com.au all day, every day. I am answer phone calls, make coffee, clean up and even rub Mr. Aleksandr’s shoulders if he is have stressful day. But while other peoples clock out at end of day, work hours never end for…
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Living with boss is probably not for everyone. Sure, it mean I am not pay rent. But it also mean that you are on call 24/7. I am think that I have moment to self, but then I hear Mr. Aleksandr yell ‘Sergeeeei’ from downstairs.…
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After night tossing and turning with Oleg-induced headache I was pleased to have day in. Mister Aleksandr order pizza with extra maggot mozzarella! Oleg was so excited to try pizza for first time, he gnawed a hole in front door waiting on pizza delivery man!…
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When Aleksandr gave Oleg a brand new recorder he said that any pup of his was sure to be musical prodigy (obviously he has not heard himself singing in shower). Well, Oleg certainly had talent for making real ear worm! Since he pick up recorder…
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After puttings Oleg to sleep last night the little critter must have climbed out for his crib. I found him this morning in grand portrait hall surrounded by paint pots, brushes and painty little paw prints. Turns out that little Oleg is less Picasso, more…
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This week Oleg has been teething. Teething meerpups can chew through just about anythings and, as I know from personal experience, cause permanent plumbings damage. Over past week I have learnt some invaluables lesson! Always keep teething meerpup away from electricals, stray wires are very…
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