Tasmanian electricity and gas explained

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Meredith O'Brien
Updated 15 May 2024

Can I compare Tasmanian electricity or gas?

If you live in Tasmania, you may have little choice in your plan options or the number of retailers you can compare. As such, our service doesn’t feature plans in these areas at this time.

You can typically compare gas and electricity plans for your postcode if you live in South East Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, South Australia or Victoria, or only gas in Western Australia.

To learn more about how governments and retailers set electricity prices, read more about energy deregulation in Australia.

Tasmanian electricity providers and distributors

Electricity providers in Tasmania

Who is the electricity distributor in Tasmania?

How are gas and electricity providers in Tasmania regulated?

Tasmanian electricity charges and tariffs

How am I charged electricity in Tasmania?

Flat rates for residential customers

Peak and off-peak rates for residential customers

Other residential tariffs available in Tasmania

Important to know

Are you eligible for an electricity concession in Tasmania?

What are the sources of energy in Tasmania?

Meet our energy expert, Meredith O’Brien

Meredith O'Brien
Head of Energy

As the Head of Energy at Compare the Market, Meredith O’Brien believes in educating Australian customers about the everchanging gas and electricity market so they can adjust their energy usage habits and get the most out of their energy plans.

Meredith has six years within the energy industry, following 15 years of experience in financial services and is currently studying a Master of Business Administration. Meredith is a dedicated customer advocate who is passionate about empowering Australians to find the right products to suit their needs by removing the confusion from comparing.

1 Tasmanian Government. Tasmanian electricity retailers. Last updated September 2023. Accessed October 2023.

2 Office of the Tasmanian Economic Regulator. Feed-in tariff. Last updated June 2023. Accessed October 2023.

3 Tasmanian Government – Discounts and Concessions. Electricity. Accessed October 2023.

4 Renewable, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania. 100% Target Achievement. Accessed October 2023.