Switching energy providers

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Meredith O'Brien
Last updated April 20 2024

Expert tips for switching to the right energy provider for you

When it comes to helping you decide whether to switch energy providers, our Head of Energy, Meredith O’Brien, has some top tips.

Meredith O'Brien
Head of Energy

Consider purchasing separate gas and electricity plans

You don’t need to use the same energy retailer for your gas and electricity. In fact, you may be able to find cheaper options by purchasing plans with different providers.

Check your contract for exit fees before switching

There are no restrictions on the number of times you can switch providers, but if you’re on a fixed rate contract, you should check whether there are no exit fees in the terms and conditions of your energy contract and consider your best option before switching.

Check if you’re eligible for a smart meter

Enquire with your retailer about switching to a smart meter and take advantage of a time of use tariff to better manage your usage by spreading casual energy usage from peak demand times to off-peak times (such as turning on your dishwasher or washing machine on weekends, overnight or early in the morning). Keep in mind, there may be costs associated with installing a new meter.

Understanding the essentials

Who can change their energy providers?

Who can’t choose their energy provider?

Why should I change energy providers?

Your checklist for switching energy providers

What to know about switching energy providers

How long will it take to switch energy providers?

What should I look for in an energy plan and provider?

Will it cost me to change providers?

Can I cancel my new energy plan if I change my mind?

When’s the best time to switch energy providers?

What do energy companies do to keep customers loyal and stop them switching?

Meet our energy expert, Meredith O’Brien

Meredith O'Brien
Head of Energy

As the Head of Energy at Compare the Market, Meredith O’Brien believes in educating Australian customers about the everchanging gas and electricity market so they can adjust their energy usage habits and get the most out of their energy plans.

Meredith has six years within the energy industry, following 15 years of experience in financial services and is currently studying a Master of Business Administration. Meredith is a dedicated customer advocate who is passionate about empowering Australians to find the right products to suit their needs by removing the confusion from comparing.