Switching health insurance

Compare and switch policies online or talk to one of our health insurance experts for a full needs analysis before you switch.

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Written by Joshua Malin
Reviewed by Steven Spicer
Updated 2 April, 2024

Expert tips on switching health insurance

Our health insurance expert, Steven Spicer, has some tips on how to switch health insurance and how it could benefit you.

Steven Spicer
Executive General Manager – Health, Life & Energy

Consider your current level of cover

When considering a switch, a good place to start is by looking at your current policy and whether it fits your situation. If you need to make a change (or even if you don’t), there’s a good chance that there’s another health fund out there offering what you need, with equal or greater value.

Transfer your waiting periods

There’s often a lot of confusion associated with switching health insurance and its impact on waiting periods. Rest assured, when switching to a policy that offers the same or lower coverage as your old policy, you won’t need to serve them again.

Your health fund can help you switch

In most instances, your new health fund will take care of the switch for you. They’ll contact your previous insurer, request to cancel your old cover and ensure that your served waiting periods carry over. As part of the cancellation, your old health fund will be required to refund any premiums paid in advance.

Benefits of switching health insurance providers

You may not have to re-serve waiting periods

Reduced out of pocket costs

Increased claiming limits

Loyalty bonuses

Eligibility rebates

How do I switch health insurance?

Compare policies online

Apply for new cover

The transfer process

More information

Can I switch health insurance at any time?

When should I switch health insurance?

How do I cancel my health insurance?

Meet our health insurance expert, Steven Spicer

Steven Spicer
Executive General Manager – Health, Life & Energy

As the Executive General Manager of Health, Life and Energy, Steven Spicer is a strong believer in the benefits of private cover and knows just how valuable the peace of mind that comes with cover can be. He is passionate about demystifying the health insurance industry and advocates for the benefits of comparison when it comes to saving money on your premiums.