Fire cover in home insurance

How your home may be covered for fire damage through home and contents insurance

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Kenneth Young
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Updated March 21, 2024

Tips for preventing and handling fire damage from our home insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Keep your yard and exterior well-maintained and free from debris

Keeping your yard well-maintained can help reduce the risk of damage from a bushfire. Remove dead branches and keep the grass around your home cut low; dispose of the clippings too, as these can be sources of fuel for a fire. Likewise, keep your gutters clear of dead leaves and twigs.

Practice safety when handling a flame or any heat inside your home

Inside the home, make sure you’re practicing safe habits with fires. Don’t leave candles unattended or near curtains. Keep your heaters away from bedding, tablecloths and anything flammable. Check your appliances regularly and make sure you’re not overloading your power points.

Take photos of personal items for proof of ownership

Consider taking photos of your belongings and having a digital backup saved somewhere so that if you do experience a fire, you have photos to help you sort out what needs replacing.

Test all smoke alarms at least every 12 months

Test your smoke alarms to make sure they’re functioning properly at least every 12 months. Replace the smoke alarm batteries if needed so you have a vital warning if a fire starts in the home.

Cover for fire damage

What is the insurance definition of fire damage?

How does fire cover with home insurance work?

How can home and contents insurance help after a fire?

Is arson included in fire cover?

Am I covered if I accidentally start a fire?

When do I need fire cover?

Should I have fire cover if I live in a bushfire risk area?

Do I need insurance for fire damage if I’m renting?

Important to know

How much does it cost to include fire cover in home and contents insurance?

Do insurance companies decline fire claims?

What if my smoke alarms are faulty or out of battery?

Meet our home and contents expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance at Compare the Market, Adrian Taylor works to make it easier for homeowners, renters and landlords to protect their home and contents. He believes it’s important for all residents (whether they rent, own or lease) to have adequate financial cover for their property and belongings in case the worse should happen.