Home and contents insurance for storm damage

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Kenneth Young
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Updated 30 May 2024

Expert tips for preparing your home for storms

Our home and contents insurance expert, Adrian Taylor, has helpful tips for protecting your property during a storm.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Make sure your gutters are clear for drainage

Ensure your gutters are clear of leaves and other items that would prevent the rain from draining effectively. If you live close to large trees, consider installing leaf guards to ensure your gutters and downpipes can work effectively.

Secure all outdoor furniture

See that all outdoor furniture is secured or can be stored away quickly if a storm approaches.

Check your backyard for dead trees and branches

Regularly check trees to ensure any dead or overhanging branches are removed or made safe to prevent damage if there are high winds.

Update your sum insured

Make sure you’ve accurately evaluated the cost to rebuild/replace your home and its contents, so if they’re destroyed, the sum insured on your insurance policy is adequate.

Tune in to news and weather updates

Keep an eye on the weather and news reports so that you have time to act when needed. If your home insurer provides SMS alerts, make sure you pay attention to these and respond accordingly.

Cover for damage caused by a storm

Does home insurance cover storm damage?

What is considered storm damage?

What types of storm damage aren't covered by home and contents insurance?

How much is home insurance with storm cover?

Important to know

When is storm season?

What should I do if my home has sustained storm damage?

What other natural disasters are covered by home and contents?

Meet our home and contents insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance at Compare the Market, Adrian Taylor works to make it easier for homeowners, renters and landlords to protect their home and contents. He believes it’s important for all residents (whether they rent, own or lease) to have adequate financial cover for their property and belongings in case the worse should happen.

  1. Bureau of Meteorology – Tropical cyclone climatology. Accessed May 2024.
  2. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services – Storm. Accessed May 2024.