Defined events explained

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Kenneth Young
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Updated March 21, 2024

Tips for understanding defined events from our home insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Our home insurance expert, Adrian Taylor, has some tips for preparing for defined events that may be listed in your policy.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Review your home and contents cover before storm season

Storms and floods can be devastating, so it’s important you regularly review your home and contents insurance so that you’re not left high and dry.

Clean your gutters regularly

Leaves can build up in the gutters and block the flow of water to the drains from heavy downpours. This can cause your gutters to overflow and flood surrounding areas, or the water might leak into your roof.

You don’t have to wait for renewal time to save money

You can cancel your existing policies at any time and switch insurers. Just be aware of any cancellation fees that may apply. If you’ve paid your premium in full, your insurer will provide you a pro-rata refund for the remaining period of your cover.

Basics of defined events in home and contents insurance

What are defined events?

What defined events are typically covered?

Are there times when defined events aren’t covered?

What is accidental damage?

Meet our home and contents expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance at Compare the Market, Adrian Taylor works to make it easier for homeowners, renters and landlords to protect their home and contents. He believes it’s important for all residents (whether they rent, own or lease) to have adequate financial cover for their property and belongings in case the worse should happen.