Is gas cheaper than electricity in Australia?

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Last updated March 21, 2024

Expert tips for choosing between gas and electricity

Whether you choose gas or electricity, our Head of Energy, Meredith O’Brien, offers her expert tips on helping you save on your energy bills and deciding if gas is right for your household:

Meredith O'Brien
Head of Energy

Consider purchasing appliances with high energy-efficiency

Energy-efficient appliances may cost more upfront but use less energy to run, which can benefit your household budget and lower your impact on the environment.

You don’t need to bundle electricity and gas

If you use both electricity and gas, you don’t need the same energy retailer for both. It may be cheaper to compare and purchase plans separately, rather than using a combined electricity and gas plan.

Be aware of installation costs

Switching to a new gas or electricity retailer doesn’t incur a connection fee or interrupt your supply. However, there’ll be installation costs if you’re switching from electricity to gas run appliances, or vice versa.

Comparing gas and electricity

Gas vs electricity: Is one cheaper than the other?

Types of gas appliances

Installation and running costs

Is gas or electricity more powerful?

Important to know

Is gas cheaper than electricity for heating?

Is gas still cheaper if I have solar electricity?

Is gas or electricity more environmentally friendly?

What is a seasonal gas rate?

Do split system air conditioners use gas or electricity?

Meet our energy expert, Meredith O’Brien

Meredith O'Brien
Head of Energy

As the Head of Energy at Compare the Market, Meredith O’Brien believes in educating Australian customers about the everchanging gas and electricity market so they can adjust their energy usage habits and get the most out of their energy plans.

Meredith has six years within the energy industry, following 15 years of experience in financial services and is currently studying a Master of Business Administration. Meredith is a dedicated customer advocate who is passionate about empowering Australians to find the right products to suit their needs by removing the confusion from comparing.

1 The Hon Ed Husic MP: Minister for Industry and Science. Responsible and meaningful action on gas prices. Published December 2022. Accessed April 2023.

2 Sustainability Victoria. Choosing the right hot water system. Last updated August 2022. Accessed April 2023.

3 Sustainability Victoria. Choosing the right heating system for your home. Last updated April 2023. Accessed April 2023.

4 Sustainability Victoria. Reduce clothes dryer costs at home. Last updated September 2022. Accessed April 2023.

5 NSW Government: Department of Primary Industries. Comparing running costs of diesel, LPG and electrical pumpsets. Published 2016. Accessed April 2023.

6 Met Group. Natural Gas vs Coal – Environmental Impacts. Published November 2020. Accessed April 2023.