Renovation insurance

Insurance for your home renovations

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Kenneth Young
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Updated March 21, 2024

How to insure a home under renovation

What insurance do I need for renovation?

Renovation tips from our home and contents insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Read the PDS

There are a few conditions and exclusions in the PDS that you should consider well before your renovations begin.

Contact your insurer in advance

Contact your insurer well before the renos begin to give yourself enough time to find another insurer if your current one cannot provide cover during the renovations.

Check for additional excesses

If your insurer does agree to cover you, make sure you check if any additional excess will apply to claims raised during the renos.

Revisit your sum insured

After your renovations, the previous sum insured amount may no longer be enough to cover you.

Your builders need insurance too

Make sure that your builders, subcontractors or tradies have their own insurance.

Small or large renovations

Before renovating

Cover for small renovations

Cover for large renovations

Am I covered for any damages a builder or contractor may cause?

Do I need to modify my sum insured after the renovation?

Meet our home and contents expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance at Compare the Market, Adrian Taylor works to make it easier for homeowners, renters and landlords to protect their home and contents. He believes it’s important for all residents (whether they rent, own or lease) to have adequate financial cover for their property and belongings in case the worse should happen.