How much does it cost to own a dog?

The price of owning a pooch

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Eliza Buglar
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Updated 21 March, 2024

Expert tips for saving money on pet insurance

Our resident pet insurance expert, Adrian Taylor, has helpful tips for saving on your pet insurance.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Consider routine care cover

Adding routine care to your policy can give you a world of value. It can help cover some of your dog’s preventative care expenses like check-ups, vaccinations, and dental treatment. Some policies even offer benefits for grooming and behavioural therapy. Some insurers may offer dental cover and behavioural training cover as a separate add-on for an additional fee.

Insure your pet as soon as possible

Get pet insurance when your dog is young or before they show symptoms of health issues or common diseases that may be treated as pre-existing conditions and excluded from cover. Another benefit of insuring your fur baby early is that you can keep the same cover throughout their life with fewer exclusions for health problems. Premiums are also typically cheaper for young pets.

Increase your excess to save money on pet insurance

You can reduce the cost of pet insurance by increasing your policy excess, which is the fixed sum you’d have to contribute towards claims. A higher excess often means lower pet insurance premiums and vice versa. This may only work for some dog owners, so consider the ongoing costs of your premiums against how frequently you think you’ll claim annually.

General costs of owning a dog

How much does it cost to own a dog?

How much does a puppy cost in their first year?

What is the average cost of owning a dog?

Healthcare costs to consider for your dog

Healthcare costs of dog ownership

How much is pet insurance for dogs?

Important to know

De-sexing your dog

Microchipping your dog

Registering your dog

Meet our pet insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor knows that dogs and cats get themselves into all sorts of mischief. One part of Adrian’s work is to help empower consumers to understand how pet insurance can help save them from exorbitant vet bills when their pet gets injured or falls ill.

Animal Medicines Australia – Pets in Australia: A national survey of pets and people. Accessed May 2023.

Australian Government Moneysmart – Getting a pet – How much it costs to own a dog or cat. Accessed May 2023.

Obtained from completed quotes on our comparison service. The cheapest quote was for a young (< 1 year old) Ragdoll cat, de-sexed, in Brisbane. The dearest quote was for a young Labrador, de-sexed, in Brisbane, with the highest possible benefit percentage and highest annual limit, and all options included (05 May 2023).

RSPCA − The costs of owning a dog. Accessed May 2023.