How pet insurance premiums are calculated

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Eliza Buglar
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Updated 24 June 2024

Expert tips for reducing pet insurance premiums

Our resident pet insurance expert, Adrian Taylor, has helpful tips for Australian pet owners looking to save on their pet insurance premiums.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Choose a higher excess

You can lower your pet insurance premiums by increasing your policy excess (a deducible sum with each claim), although this means you’ll pay more if you claim on your policy.

Pick a policy with a lower benefit percentage

You could save money by taking out a policy with a lower reimbursement rate and still get value from it if your pet is young, healthy and not a high-risk breed. A comprehensive policy with a higher benefit percentage can help pay a bigger portion of your eligible vet expenses but will cost more, so consider that before deciding on a cover.

Insure your pet early

The age of your pet impacts the cost of pet insurance, so try to insure your furry pal when they’re young and healthy, and before they develop any pre-existing conditions that may be excluded from cover or new policies. It’s advised to take out cover within the first year of your pet’s life.

Pet insurance premiums overview

What does ‘premium’ mean on pet insurance?

What affects pet insurance premiums?

How pet insurance premiums are calculated

Why the price of pet insurance increases every year

Coverage and costs

Your cover type impacts the premiums you pay

How much is pet insurance?

Do pet insurance premiums go up if you make a claim?

Policy excesses and benefit percentages

Policy excess

Benefit percentage

What should I look for in pet insurance?

When it comes to comparing pet insurance policies, you should first consider the price of the premiums, along with the following:

  • How much of the vet bill can you claim?
  • Will you have lifetime cover if you insure your pet and maintain your policy?
  • What are the benefit limits and sub-limits?
  • Will your pet be covered for recurring conditions?
  • What are the age limits for getting cover?
  • Are there any healthcare conditions excluded from the policy (i.e. that you can’t claim on)?

Meet our pet insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor knows that dogs and cats get themselves into all sorts of mischief. One part of Adrian’s work is to help empower consumers to understand how pet insurance can help save them from exorbitant vet bills when their pet gets injured or falls ill.

1 Obtained from completed quotes on our comparison service, 22 June 2023. The cheapest quote was for a young (< 1 year old) Ragdoll cat, de-sexed, in Brisbane. The dearest quote was for a Labrador (> 5 year old), de-sexed, in Brisbane. Quotes featured the highest possible benefit percentage, the highest annual limit, no excess and all options included.