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Compare the Market

What’s our number one goal? To help every Australian make better decisions when researching & buying products that they depend on.

Stories by Compare the Market

power of your driving licence

24 Jun 2021 16:28

How powerful is your driving licence?

Written by Compare the Market

The world's most powerful driving licences ranked by international requirements, restrictions and re-tests [Map]. How far will your licence take you?

A Skyline of Waste - Biggest Producers of Waste

14 May 2021 09:08

A Skyline of Waste

Written by Compare the Market

Discover which countries generate the most plastic waste, and which have the highest waste per capita, as well as the ones with the best recycling schemes.

The Cost of Energy Around the World

26 Feb 2021 10:50

The Cost of Energy Around the World

Written by Compare the Market

Where in the world does it cost the most to carry out essential everyday tasks such as charging your mobile or using the tumble dryer?

Dirtiest household essentials

10 Feb 2021 14:40

How health insurance can help if bacteria significantly affects your health

Written by Compare the Market

We reveal just how dirty everyday essentials really are, and what they could do to our health. From make-up to iPhones, the results may surprise you...

The Cost of Working From Home Around the World

28 Jan 2021 13:21

The Cost of Working From Home Around the World

Written by Compare the Market

What is the additional cost of working from home? We’ve looked at how some of these costs could stack up throughout the month and how they compare around the world.

The World's Healthiest Countries

30 Nov 2020 15:00

The World’s Healthiest Countries

Written by Compare the Market

We looked at which countries are the healthiest by comparing a number of factors, such as vaccination rates, life expectancy, and risky habits (e.g. smoking and drinking alcohol).

Cosmetic Countries

30 Nov 2020 11:39

Cosmetic Countries

Written by Compare the Market

What the preferred cosmetic procedures that we’re searching for the most, and how does this vary around the world? We’ve used Google search data to find out!

30 Oct 2020 13:39

The Ponzi Scheme turns 100

Written by Compare the Market

It's been 100 years since Charles Ponzi duped thousands of Americans. So, we've decided to look back at 10 of the largest Ponzi Schemes of all time.

a woman visits a man at hospital

23 Oct 2019 15:26

State of Emergency

Written by Compare the Market

We investigate Australian emergency department statistics to find out the most common reasons for emergency department presentations in 2017-18.

16 Jul 2019 10:32

A complete guide to the history of Australian car manufacturing

Written by Compare the Market

The history of Australian car manufacturing dates back to the late 19th century, when horse-drawn carriages and steam trains were the norm for getting from A to B.

18 Mar 2019 08:30

Thailand map for Aussies

Written by Compare the Market

A trip to Thailand can be filled with wonder, but where should you go first? Our Thailand map sketches out 'must see' locales, plus we break it all down in easy-to-understand Aussie slang!

Banknotes from Different Countries on a Chess Board

21 Jan 2019 10:28

Ways to avoid these top 7 international money transfer mistakes

Written by Compare the Market

Whether you’re sending money to family who live overseas, or you’re an online business owner needing to pay overseas suppliers; Australians are no strangers to international money transfers.

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