15 Nov 2021 10:58
From 2023, new car models for sale in Australia must come fitted with Autonomous Emergency Braking systems. We discuss the potential impact to car insurance.
5 Nov 2021 16:24
South Australia has passed a bill for a road usage charge for electric vehicle owners. We cover what else is in the bill, plus what the other states are doing.
1 Nov 2021 15:49
From 1 November new penalties targeting Qld motorists who use their phone or fail to buckle up come into effect. What impact will this have on car insurance?
28 Oct 2021 15:00
Hail damage to your car can be costly to repair. We investigate the cost of hail repairs car owners could face in the wake of a storm.
28 Oct 2021 09:38
Which nation has the best roads or cheapest motoring costs? What about congestion and road mortality rates? Join us as we take a look.
12 Oct 2021 13:22
Our Bill Shock Tracker survey found the average cost of petrol in Australia is $1,404 a year. Read more to see the data for your home state and age group.
8 Oct 2021 09:29
In a time when flying cars are becoming more science and less fiction, we ask, "will car insurance cover a flying car?" Read on to hear what the experts say.
9 Sep 2021 09:18
Where you park your car can have an impact of the cost of car insurance. This not only involves garages and driveways but which suburb you're in. Join us as we take a look at the data.
17 Aug 2021 11:51
We explore how different risk factors and safety ratings can impact car insurance, and explore the history of road safety inventions in Australia.
5 Jul 2021 13:24
Using data insights from our customers, we take a look at which car models are clocking up the miles by driving more than 100,000kms per year.
29 Jun 2021 15:50
Join us as we explore how travel insurance can benefit worldly travellers, and see the world through historical maps.
8 Jun 2021 11:02
We explore the average costs of kitchen renovations around the world and how a significant change to your home could influence the value of your property.