Travel insurance for business trips

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Last updated March 8, 2024

Expert tips for choosing the right travel insurance for business trips

Our Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor, has a few top tips for helping you choose a travel insurance policy that suits your business trip.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Consider what level of cover you need

While short trips may only need a basic level of cover, it’s always a good idea to consider comprehensive cover for financial protection against unexpected medical expenses, travel delay and cancellation fees, luggage losses and rental vehicle excess, as well as any additional cover you may need for specific circumstances. You’ll need to keep all this in mind when choosing a policy that adequately meets your business’ needs and requirements.

Purchase as soon as you book

Many things can go wrong before the trip even starts – an unforeseen natural disaster may impact your destination, or your work conference may be unexpectedly cancelled. In these cases, it’s helpful to have a travel insurance policy that covers cancellations, so it’s a good idea to compare travel insurance quotes and purchase a suitable policy as soon you book the trip or pay any deposits.

Frequent travellers may find value in annual cover

If you travel often to the same location throughout the year for your business, you might find more value in purchasing an annual multi-trip policy. This one policy can cover your business trips for an entire year (but be sure to check the maximum travel days that are covered, per trip).

How does travel insurance for business trips work?

Travel insurance for businesses is similar to standard travel insurance policies for domestic and international trips. When taking out a leisure travel insurance policy, your benefits will typically include cover relevant to business trips such as luggage cover.

For both individuals and groups, a domestic policy can cover transport delays and cancellations within Australia. With domestic travel insurance, providers will only cover employees when they’re travelling a minimum distance away (usually 250km) from their home.

Travel insurance for business trips is different to corporate travel insurance, which is where an organisation purchases an annual corporate policy that is based on the number of trips the staff are likely to take in a 12-month period. Be aware that Compare the Market does not offer corporate travel insurance.

Inclusions and exclusions for travel insurance for business trips

What does travel insurance for businesses cover?

What isn’t covered by travel insurance for businesses?

What if I have a pre-existing medical condition?

More information on travel insurance for business trips

Are there age limits for travel insurance for business trips?

Does travel insurance for businesses cover all destinations?

Can travel insurance for businesses cover my family?

Is travel insurance for businesses tax deductible?

Meet our travel insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor believes in educating customers about the importance of travel insurance so that anyone can kick back and make the most of their time away from home. While no one wants a disrupted holiday, a suitable travel insurance policy can provide a financial safety net for yourself, your belongings and your trip in case things go wrong.

1 Australian Taxation Office. Claiming a tax deduction for business travel expenses. Last updated August 2019. Accessed January 2024.