Travel insurance for families

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Last updated March 26, 2024

Travel insurance tips for families

Catriona Rowntree’s top travel insurance tips for families.
Catriona Rowntree

Why take out travel insurance for families

If you’re taking the kids on a family holiday, there’s always a chance that things can take an unexpected turn. Here are some examples of things that could go wrong where travel insurance for families could benefit you:

  • One of the kids could break a bone on a water slide in Bali and need to go to the hospital
  • Your luggage could get lost in transit on your way to New Zealand and you need to buy replacement clothes and other essentials
  • You could be taking a family road trip and another driver could dent your rental car.

Choosing the right travel insurance for families

When taking out travel insurance for your family, it’s important to consider the whole family’s circumstance and plans, even if some family members have individual needs. A few things you should consider include:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions. If anyone in your family has pre-existing conditions, it’s important to declare them so they can be assessed by your insurer, otherwise any related claims may be rejected.
  • Adventure activities. If your family likes the thrill of adventure, first check the PDS to see what activities are covered automatically and what cover may need to be purchased as an optional extra.
  • Your travel plans. Travel insurance for families will cover each person in the policy as individuals, but if you’re travelling alone, even if it’s only for a portion of the trip, then you will typically need to consider a single travel insurance policy.

Expert tips for choosing the right travel insurance for your family

Our Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor, has put together some tips on how to find the right travel insurance policy for your family.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Check age limits and eligibility for dependants

When you take out travel insurance for families, your dependent children may be covered under the same policy at no extra cost. However, your child’s eligibility may vary between insurers due to age limits and other criteria, so always check the PDS before buying.

Weigh up what level of cover best suits your family

While medical-only or standard policies may be more budget friendly, comprehensive cover may have higher claim limits and more inclusions. For example, with your whole family travelling together, there may be a lot of electronics and valuables. For this reason, you might want to consider higher levels of cover for theft or damage to belongings.

Add-on coverage for greater protection

Depending on what type of holiday you’re taking, there are a number of optional add-ons that could provide extra cover for certain activities. This might include rental car excess cover if you plan to hire a car, or depending on your itinerary, cover for cruisesskiing and more.

Understanding travel insurance for families

What is travel insurance for families?

What can travel insurance for families cover?

Exclusions and what to watch out for

How much does travel insurance for families cost?

Which situations should my travel insurance for families cover?

Medical expenses

Theft or loss of belongings

Cancellations and delays

More on travel insurance for families

What are my options if my family travels several times a year?

What about group travel insurance?

What if I’m pregnant?

Can the Australian Government help my family members if we run into trouble?

Meet our travel insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor believes in educating customers about the importance of travel insurance so that anyone can kick back and make the most of their time away from home. While no one wants a disrupted holiday, a suitable travel insurance policy can provide a financial safety net for yourself, your belongings and your trip in case things go wrong.