Medical-only travel insurance

Average customer rating: 4.3/5

A guide to medical-only travel insurance

Updated 2 May 2024
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor

What is travel insurance with medical-only cover?

Travel insurance with medical-only cover (sometimes referred to as “basic” cover) is a policy designed almost exclusively for medical assistance overseas. These policies are not offered by all insurers. Medical expenses can add up even without including treatment, as the cost of staying at a hospital can easily get into thousands of dollars, depending on which country you’re in.

Travel insurance with medical cover may help mitigate some of those costs; however, it’s a good idea to be mindful that there may be certain limitations and restrictions on what you can claim.

Why take out medical-only travel insurance

If you’re planning a trip overseas, you should always consider travel insurance. But if you’re travelling on a shoestring budget, here are some benefits even a basic policy may offer you:

  • 24/7 emergency assistance. Your insurer will typically have an around-the-clock team to help you in an emergency with issues like organising emergency medical transport, arranging payments to hospitals or helping reorganise your trip if a disaster impacts your plans.
  • Emergency medical evacuation or repatriation. If you become seriously injured or ill you may need to be evacuated either to a medical facility with better resources or back to Australia. If you pass away overseas, your policy may help cover the cost of repatriating your body back home.
  • Unexpected medical treatment. Your travel policy may also help with non-life-threatening issues that still require medical or hospital treatment, as well emergency dental treatment if, for example, you break a tooth.

Choosing a medical-only travel insurance policy

When it comes to choosing the right policy, you might not think there’s much to consider with a medical-only policy. However, there are still a few things you might want to keep in mind when comparing:

  • Benefits. Checking what benefits are available may seem unnecessary on a medical-only policy, but some providers’ basic level of cover may include personal liability cover or other benefits, so it’s still important to check what’s included in your plan.
  • Limits and sub-limits. While many basic travel insurance plans may have similar benefits, the limits and sub-limits may vary. It’s important to compare the benefit limits of potential policies so you can feel confident you won’t get caught out unexpectedly.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions. You can still get cover for your medical conditions even with a basic policy. However, while some insurers may cover a selection of pre-existing medical conditions automatically, you will need to declare your conditions and apply for any others you want cover for. Your insurer will then assess your claim and decide what cover they can offer you.

Expert tips for choosing the right medical-only policy for you

Not matter what level of cover you’re looking for; you want to make sure you’re choosing the right policy for your needs. Compare the Market’s travel insurance expert, Adrian Taylor, has some tips for you to consider when taking out a policy:

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Consider COVID-19 cover

While many insurance providers offer cover for COVID-19 related losses, in many cases you may need to purchase their top tier cover or their comprehensive cover for COVID-19 cover to be included. Look for the COVID-19 icon when you compare products.

Cruise holidays will need additional cover

If you’re going on a cruise trip, a regular travel insurance policy, even one with medical cover, won’t financially protect you against any unforeseen events related to your cruise. You’ll need to purchase cruise cover as an optional extra to be covered for any medical expenses on your trip, even if your cruise is in domestic waters.

Decide if basic cover is right for you

Before purchasing a medical-only policy, consider whether you need the additional benefits a higher level of cover offers. This may include cover for cancellation fees, luggage and personal effects and also cover for any rental vehicle excess if you’re hiring a car. Also, consider adding additional cover for ski holidays or adventure activities to ensure you have medical cover for these activities, too, as they may not be covered automatically.

All about travel insurance with medical-only cover

What does a medical-only policy cover?

How much medical cover do I need for my travel insurance policy?

What does medical-only travel insurance not cover?

Who should consider travel insurance with medical-only cover?

More information about travel insurance

Are my medical costs covered by the RHCA?

What’s the difference between medical-only and a comprehensive travel insurance policy?

Meet our travel insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor believes in educating customers about the importance of travel insurance so that anyone can kick back and make the most of their time away from home. While no one wants a disrupted holiday, a suitable travel insurance policy can provide a financial safety net for yourself, your belongings and your trip in case things go wrong.

1, Australian Government. Reciprocal health care agreements. Accessed February 2024.