Travel insurance for Fiji

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Last updated March 14, 2024

Why take out travel insurance for Fiji?

Not having travel insurance means you’re vulnerable to unexpected expenses arising from your trip. Some benefits of travel insurance for Fiji that could help protect your holiday include:

  • Medical cover if you’re injured or fall ill and need to return to Australia for urgent medical care.
  • Reimbursement for your belongings if they’re stolen or damaged while on holiday, provided you didn’t leave them unsupervised in public.
  • If a natural disaster occurs in Fiji before your trip begins and you need to reschedule or cancel your plans.

Choosing cover for your trip to Fiji

To choose an adequate travel insurance plan for Fiji, you need to consider your personal needs, as well as your itinerary for your trip. For example, before choosing your travel insurance policy, you should consider the following:

  • What you need to be covered for; do you have pre-existing conditions that need insuring or need higher limits on your luggage cover?
  • If you plan for adventure, you should check what activities are automatically covered on your policy and whether you need extra adventure cover for certain activities.
  • Any exclusions or limits that might affect your ability to claim on your policy.

Expert tips for choosing the right travel insurance for Fiji

Our travel insurance expert, Adrian Taylor, has inside tips for you to help you choose a suitable travel insurance policy for Fiji.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Keep an eye on your belongings

Don’t leave your possessions unattended in a public place as any theft claims may not be accepted. All policies have limits, conditions and exclusions and you need to understand these to ensure you have the cover you need.

Buy travel insurance as soon as you book

To maximise the value from your travel insurance, purchase your policy as soon as you make a booking and pay any deposits so you may have cancellation cover should you need to cancel your trip.

Check for COVID-19 cover

While many insurers are providing cover for COVID-19 (coronavirus) related losses, in most cases you’ll need to purchase their top tier or comprehensive policy for COVID-19 cover to be included. Look for the COVID-19 icon when you compare products on our website.

About travel insurance for Fiji

Do I need travel insurance for Fiji?

What should my travel insurance policy for Fiji include?

What travel insurance for Fiji excludes?

Safety in Fiji

Dangers in Fiji

Important contacts in Fiji

Meet our travel insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor believes in educating customers about the importance of travel insurance so that anyone can kick back and make the most of their time away from home. While no one wants a disrupted holiday, a suitable travel insurance policy can provide a financial safety net for yourself, your belongings and your trip in case things go wrong.

1 Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Smartraveller. Fiji. Last updated Feb 2023. Accessed April 2023.