Travel insurance for Malaysia

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by Tiana Lee-Collins
Reviewed by Adrian Taylor
Last updated March 12, 2024

Do I need travel insurance for Malaysia?

All travellers planning on international travel should consider buying travel insurance. The level of cover, however, depends on your individual circumstances, needs and budget. According to Smartraveller, Malaysia experiences wet and wild weather and petty crime, like pickpocketing and credit card fraud.1

That’s why a travel insurance policy is a great thing to pack in your suitcase – even before your favourite holiday outfit.

The best way to enjoy Malaysia is with the peace of mind that travel insurance affords you. That can include cover for loss of belongings and cash from theft, cancellations, delays, medical treatment and other potentially expensive travel inconveniences.

Whether you’re visiting Malaysia or venturing further afield, a travel insurance policy can be a financial safety net. So, if you’re interested in visiting any neighbouring countries such as ThailandSingapore or Indonesia, check out travel insurance for Asia.

Read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to understand the specifics of your cover, and the Target Market Determination (TMD) to ascertain your eligibility. When you compare with us, you can read through the PDS of your policy before you buy.

Expert tips for choosing the right travel insurance for Malaysia

Our Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor, has some top tips for helping you decide on which travel insurance policies best suits your trip.

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

Get suitable medical cover

Consider what level of cover you may need for potential medical treatment, hospitalisation, repatriation or medical evacuation. You should also declare any pre-existing medical conditions you may have as part of your travel insurance application. While some pre-existing conditions are automatically covered, many depend on your individual circumstances and the nature of your illness.

Consider what type of travel insurance you need

There’s more to travel insurance than just deciding whether you want a basic or a comprehensive travel insurance policy. If you’re travelling with your partner and children, you may want to consider a family policy over a single one. If you travel frequently to Malaysia, or other destinations throughout the year, you may also consider an annual multi-trip policy.

Adjust your excess for a cheaper premium

You may want to consider a higher excess to reduce your premium. But remember that when you make a claim, your excess is what you pay out of pocket, so always choose a manageable excess amount that you’re comfortable paying.

What should you include in your travel insurance policy for Malaysia?

Most travel insurance policies come with, at minimum, some medical cover and 24/7 emergency assistance, although other financial protection is available depending on your level of cover. For a trip to Malaysia, it might be a good idea to consider whether your policy includes cover for some of the following:

Medical expenses

Loss of personal belongings

Cancellations and travel delays

Natural disasters and pandemics

Additional extras

What doesn’t travel insurance for Malaysia cover?

Relaxing beach in Malaysia

Even if you take out travel insurance, it won’t save the day in every situation; every policy has exclusions – events or incidences insurers won’t cover. For example, it won’t cover instances where you:

  • Were intoxicated by alcohol or drugs
  • Acted in a reckless or dangerous manner
  • Broke Malaysian law
  • Had a pre-existing medical condition that isn’t covered by your policy
  • Left your luggage and belongings unattended
  • Drove without an Australian license and an International Driving Permit (to drive in Malaysia, you need both).

Keep a close eye on Smartraveller for travel advisory warnings for any destinations you plan on visiting as this could affect your cover.

Meet our travel insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance, Adrian Taylor believes in educating customers about the importance of travel insurance so that anyone can kick back and make the most of their time away from home. While no one wants a disrupted holiday, a suitable travel insurance policy can provide a financial safety net for yourself, your belongings and your trip in case things go wrong.

1 Smartraveller. Malaysia. Updated December 2023. Accessed January 2024.