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We have a variety of travel insurance partners for customers in Australia to choose from, all of which have a range of policies and products. We’re continually working to attract more brands to expand the range of products we have available.

Through us, you can choose the amount of cover you need, compare the features of different policies side-by-side and filter the results to suit your travel itinerary. Our travel insurance comparison service is free, easy and takes only a few minutes to use.

What is travel insurance?

Travel insurance can help you pay for unexpected expenses if your trip takes a turn for the worse. You can choose between various types of travel insurance and levels of cover to match your itinerary. Always read your Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for a list of all inclusions and exclusions.

A few common inclusions depending on your policy and level of cover include:

Keep in mind that claim limits, conditions and exclusions will apply for each policy.

Need a bit more information about travel insurance?

If you want to learn more about travel insurance, why not check out our guide to different types of travel insurance, or get inspired to travel through our list of travel destinations.

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Ready to look for a better deal? It’s easy to compare with us.

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